Fire and Thermal Research Laboratory
Sudheer Siddapureddy Group
Fire and Thermal Research Laboratory (FTRL) at IIT Dharwad is emerging to facilitate studies on open and compartment pool fires both experimentally and numerically and also heat transfer investigations like jet impingment cooling, e-vehicle battery cooling. Some of the major focuses in this fire research laboratory are to establish innovative techniques for measuring different parameters in stand-alone and multiple pool fires. One of the major focuss in the thermal research laboratory are jet impingement, and battery thermal management.

Sudheer SiddapureddyPrincipal Investigator
Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering,
IIT Dharwad, Karnataka, India.
Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship (iPDF)

Dr. Naveen KumarCFD, Turbulence, Combustion and Radiation Modeling, Hypersonic Reacting Flows, Turbulence Chemistry/Radiation Interactions (TCI and TRI), and Energetic Materials.
PhD Students

Arun PattanashettiStudy of Co-axial Swirling JetsCo-supervisor: Prof. R. Santhosh, IIT BHU

Heena Ismail ShaikhStudy of Jet ImpingementCo-supervisor: Prof. SV Prabhu, IIT

Vikas RResearch Scholar
Experimental and numerical studies on bodies engulfed in multiple pool fires

Dr. Bathina Siva Kumar (Graduated in 2023)Research Scholar
Numerical and experimental studies on double pool fires
RnD Projects

Mohammed Ismail RakkasgiTechnical Assistant

Tamminaina Syam KumarExperimental and Numerical Study of Fire Rescue
Previous Interns

Nirmith Emmanuel PuneetEgress Models (Experiments)

Pallavi Harshitha Reddy Numerical Simulations of Effusion Cooling
Previous JRFs

Chrisle CharlsJunior Research Fellow
SERB Project

Varun VengiJunior Research Fellow
SERB Project

Naveen TeggiJunior Research Fellow
Previous Master Students

Rajat JoshiDrones in Fire

Kondapalli Ravi PrabhakarFire Evacuation Models: Egress

Dharmendar Kumar AnuragExperimental and Numerical Study of 0.13 m Diameter Ditertbutyl peroxide (DTBP) Pool FireSubmitted on July 2017 (IIT Patna)

Deepak V KoppadExperimental Investigations on Multiple Poool FiresSubmitted on July 2018 (SDMCET Dharwad)

Akshaya TasinNumerical Investigations on Multiple Pool FiresSubmitted on July 2018 (SDMCET Dharwad)

Raj ShettiExperiments of Nanofluids in Subcooled Pool BoilingPartial Submission during COVID-19 (SDMCET Dharwad)

Kiranraj P SagabalaTemperature and emissivity measurement using CCD cameraPartial Submission during COVID-19 (SDMCET Dharwad)
Completed B.Tech./RnD Projects

Ujjawal NirwanBattery Thermal

Manindra Singh RathoreBattery Thermal

Vikas KumawatBattery Thermal

Swapnesh SinhaDeisgn of Drone for Fire and Sooty

Vansh YadavDrone Navigation in the Sooty

Aryaman J SinghFire Retardant Material

Dharani Samsritha PFire Retardant

Kodamalla Vijay PrabhasExperimental Study of the Thrust Producing Components in a

Nelaturi NikhilThermal Testing of Fire Retardant Foam using Cone

Patel VarshaNumerical Fire Simulations of Evacuation: Fire Accidents in Public

Siddarth WalaNumerical Fire Simulations of Evacuation: Fire Accidents in Public

Avinash KumarNumerical Fire Simulations of Evacuation: Fire Accidents in Public BuildingsCo-supervisor: Prof. Ameer

Sohan AnisettyNavigation of Semi-Autonomous Drone for Fire Accidents in Public BuildingsCo-supervisor: Prof. Ameer

Jetty Venkataramana Ramya Thermal Response of Intumescent

Ashish Raghav, 170030011Analysis of water injection system to the plant root system and load balance of the system

Bhaskar Sahu, 170030016Analysis of Major Fire Accidents

Subhamoy Rana, 170030025Numerical Fire Simulations

Anurag Arjunan, 160030007Design and fabrication of a Savonius wind turbine

Rahul Kumar, 160030010Fire evacuation simulations of a school building

Punyashlok Panda, 160030027OpenFOAM simulations of fire
International Journal Papers
Link to Google Scholar- Siva KB and Sudheer S, "Effect of Spacing Between the Double Pool Fires on the Flame Emissiviy and Temperature," Fire Technology, pp. 1-17, 2023.
- Heena IS, Sudheer S, and Prabhu SV, "Effect of Jet Plate Thickness on the Local Heat Transfer Coefficient with Multiple Air Jet Impingement," Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023.
- Siva KB and Sudheer S, "Experimental Investigation of Flame Height and Air Entrainment of n-Heptane Double Open Pool Fires," Experimental Heat Transfer, pp. 1-11, 2022.
- Siva KB and Sudheer S, "Numerical study of flame properties and energy balance in medium scale n-heptane pool fire with various lip heights and wind velocities," Heat Transfer Research, Vol. 52(18), pp. 77-93, 2021.
- Saket S, Sumit S, Sudheer S and Prabhu SV, "Performance of Intumescent Coatings in Cone Calorimeter and Open Pool Fires," Fire Research, Vol. 3, pp. 1-7, 2019.
- Sudheer S and Prabhu SV, "Experimental and numerical simulation studies on heat transfer to calorimeters engulfed in diesel pool fires," Journal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 35, pp. 156-176, 2017.
- Sudheer S, Klaus-Dieter Wehrstedt and Prabhu SV, "Heat Transfer to Bodies Engulfed in Di-tert-butyl Peroxide Pool Fires - Numerical Simulations," Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 44, pp. 204-211, 2016.
- Sudheer S and Prabhu SV, "Partitioning of Convective and Radiative Heat Fluxes Absorbed by a Lumped Body Engulfed in a Diffusion Flame," Fire Technology, Vol. 51, pp. 801-802, 2015.
- Reddy VM, Sudheer S, Prabhu SV and S. Kumar, "Design and Calibration of a New Compact Radiative Heat-Flux Gauge (RHFG) for Combustion Applications," Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 203, pp. 62-68, 2013.
- Sudheer S, Kumar L, Manjunath BS, Pasi, A, Meenakshi, G and Prabhu SV, "Fire Safety Distances for Open Pool Fires," Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 61, pp. 265-273, 2013.
- Sudheer S and Prabhu SV, "Heat Transfer in Vertical Casks Engulfed in Open Pool Fires," Journal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 31, pp. 541-562, 2013.
- Sudheer S, Saumil D and Prabhu SV, "Physical Experiments and Fire Dynamic Simulations on Gasoline Pool Fires," Journal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 31, pp. 309-329, 2013.
- Katti V, Sudheer S and Prabhu SV, "Pressure Distribution on a Semi-Circular Concave Surface Impinged by a Single Row of Circular Jets Article," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 46, pp. 162-174, 2013.
- Sudheer S and Prabhu SV, "Characterization of Hexane Pool Fires using Infrared Thermography," Journal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 31, pp. 143-165, 2012.
- Sudheer S and Prabhu SV, "Measurement of Flame Emissivity of Hydrocarbon Pool Fires," Fire Technology, Vol. 48, pp. 183-217, 2012.
- Sudheer S and Prabhu SV, "Measurement of Flame Emissivity of Gasoline Pool Fires," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 240, 2010, pp. 3474-3480, 2010.
- S.V. Prabhu, S. Kumar, V.M. Reddy and S. Sudheer, "Design of a Probe for Measuring Radiative Heat Flux of Combustion Systems," Application number: 3368/MUM/2012.
Book Chapter
- Swapnik J, Sudheer S, and Dhiraj VP, "On the Use of Origami for Solar Energy Harvesting," Solar Energy (monograph), Springer, 2019.
International Conference Papers
- S Heena, Sudheer S, and SV Prabhu, "Experimental study of the effect of jet plate thickness on the local heat transfer coefficient with multiple air jet impingement," Proceedings of the 26th National and 4th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, December, Chennai, 2021.
- Siva KB, and Sudheer S, "A Correlation for the Visible Flame Height of Double Pool Fires," Proceedings of the 26th National and 4th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, December, Chennai, 2021.
- Siva KB, and Sudheer S, "Numerical Assessments of Thermal Radiation from Large Kerosene Open Pool Fires," Proceedings of 8th Internatinal and 47th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, 2020.
- Rahul K, Siva KB, and Sudheer S, "Fire and Evacuation Simulation of Kumbakonam School Fire Accident," Proceedings of 8th Internatinal and 47th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, 2020.
- Siva KB, and Sudheer S, "Investigations on Pyrolysis Model for Radiatively Dominant Diesel Pool Fire Using Fire Dynamic Simulator," ICFSST 2019 London.
- Sudheer S and Deepak K, "Experimental Investigations of Separation Distance for the Transfer of Fire in Multiple Pool Fires," 7th International & 45th National Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Conference (FMFP) 2018, Mumbai, pp. 213, 2018.
- Sudheer S and Akshaya T, "Large Eddy Simulations of Multiple Pool Fires," 7th International & 45th National Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Conference (FMFP) 2018, Mumbai, pp. 213, 2018.
- Siddapureddy S and Satapathy AK, "Liquid Sloshing in a Moving Tank – CFD," 6th International & 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP-2016), Allahabad, pp. 213, 2016.
- Lokendra Kumar, S Sudheer, BS Manjunath, RJ Patel, G Sugilal and SV Prabhu, "Melting in real life package in pool fire environment," Proceedings of first international ISHMT-ASTFE heat and mass transfer conference, 2015.
- S. Sudheer and S.V. Prabhu, "Thermal Interaction Between A Circular Pipe And Diesel Pool Fire," ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, USA, 2012 (Presented).
- S. Sudheer and S.V. Prabhu, "Behavior of Small Lumped Bodies Immersed in Diesel Pool Fire," Fire Science & Technology - Research and it's Implementation, CBRI, Roorkee, pp. 266-276, 2011 (Presented).
- S. Sumeet, S. Saket, S. Sudheer and S.V. Prabhu, "Influence of External Heat Flux and Coating Thickness of Intumescent Coatings on the Fire Resistance to Stainless Steel," Fire Science & Technology - Research and it's Implementation, CBRI, Roorkee, pp. 67-76, 2011.
- S. Sudheer and S.V. Prabhu, "Characterization of Hexane Pool Fires using Infrared Thermography," Eighth Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Hyderabad, pp. 674-681, 2010 (Presented).
- S. Desai, S. Sudheer and S.V. Prabhu, "Fire Dynamic Simulations and Physical Ex- periments on Gasoline Open Pool Fires," Eighth Asia-Pacific Conference on Com- bustion, Hyderabad, pp. 689-696, 2010 (Presented).
- S. Sudheer and S.V. Prabhu, "Measurement of Emissivity of Small Diameter Open Pool Fires Using Infrared Thermography," Proceedings of the 20th National and 9th International, ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Mumbai, India, 2010 (Presented).
Lecture Notes
Running courses
- Mechanical Measurements
- Combustion and Fire Dynamics
This course incldes the following chapters: Fundamentals, Flames-Laminar Premixed Flames, Flammability Limits, Diffusion burning of liquids, Stagnation Layer Model, Spalding Number, Measurement in Fire-Thermocouples, Plate Thermometer, Heat Flux Sensors, Cone Calorimetry, Soot Volume Fraction, Numerical Fire Simulations-Introduction to Fire Dynamics Simulator.
Completed courses
- Engineering Graphics
This main purpose of this course to stirr the imagination of the student by various concepts. Watching videos is not advised but the student is being asked to think, imagine the concepts even if requires a few weeks to understand a particular concept. This course includes: Curves, Points, Projection of Lines, Planes, on Auxiliary Planes, Solid, Sections of Solids, Development of Surfaces, Intersections of Solids, AutoCAD, Isometric Projection. - Applied Thermodynamics
- Heat and Mass Transfer
This course consists of the following chapters: Introduction, Heat Diffusion Equation, 1D Steady-state Conduction, Fins, Transient Conduction, Multidimensional Conduction, Numerical Methods - FDS, Introduction to Convection, Convection Equations, External Flow, Internal Flow, Free Convection, Free Convection, Boiling and Condensation - Gas Turbines (Applied Thermodynamics)
This course consists of the following chapters: Introduction, Basics, Cycle Arrangements, Shaft Power Ideal Cycles, Shaft Power Real Cycles, Jet Propulsion Cycles, Rocket Propulsion - Steam Turbines (Applied Thermodynamics)
This course consists of the following chapters: Introducting Vapor Power Plants, Ideal Rankine Cycle, Performance Parameters, Improvisation: Feedwater Heaters, Combined Gas-Vapor Power Cycles - Turbomachines
This course includes the following chapters: Classification, Review of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Dynamic Similitude-Dimensionless Groups with incompressible and compressible flows, Characteristic Numbers of Turbomachines, Specific Speed and Specific Diameter, Power Specific Speed, Imperfect Similitude, Hydraulic Pumps-Components, NPSHA and NPSHR, Characteristics, Specific speed, Hydraulic Turbines-Hydraulic Energy, Types, Impulse and Reaction Turbines-Performance Characteristics, Velocity triangles, Specific Speed, Degree of Reaction and Speed Ratio, Cavitation, Draft Tubes, Conditions for maximum efficiency - Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer
This course consists of the following chapters: Introduction, Boiling, Degasification, Liquid-Vapor Interface, Wettability, Contact Angle, Capillary, Interface Shape, Bubble formation<, Condensation, Flow Regimes - Sustainable Energy and Energy Materials
This course includes the following topics: Solar Collectors, Geothermal, Wind Power, Tidal Power, Batteries, Fuel Cells and High Energy Density Materials. - Thermodynamics
- Turbomachines
Useful Notes
- Assistant Professor
From July, 2017
Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad
Department of Mechanical Engineering - DST INSPIRE Faculty
December, 2015 - July, 2017
Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Department of Mechanical Engineering - PostDoctoral Work
February, 2014 - October, 2015
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM)
Department 2.2, Reactive Substances and Systems
Title: Simulation of Organic Peroxide Pool Fires
Supervisor: Dr. rer. nat. Klaus-Dieter Wehrstedt - Research Assistant
July, 2013 - January, 2014
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Title: Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Open Pool Fires - Doctoral Thesis
January, 2009 - August, 2013
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Title: Characterization of Open Pool Fires and Study of Heat Transfer in Bodies engulfed in Pool Fires
Supervisor: Prof. S.V. Prabhu - Research Assistant
July, 2008 - December, 2008
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Title: Experimental Optimization of Confined Air Multiple Jet Impingement on a Smooth and Rough Flat Plate - Master Thesis
June, 2006 - June, 2008
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. A.K. Satapathy
Title: Liquid Sloshing in a Baffled Tank - Junior Engineer
April, 2006 - June, 2006
Industry: RAK Ceramics India Pvt. Ltd., Samalkot
Employer: Mr. Krishna - Bachelor Thesis
April, 2001 - June, 2005
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Title: Design and Analysis of a Forging Die
Supervisors: Prof. J. Suresh Kumar and Mr. N.V. Rama Rao
- Reading books and Biographies
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I would be happy to talk to you for any assistance in your course work or in research. Students, please drop in my office or call me. I am also interested in understanding/exploring your products for our institute and I would appreciate if you email me for an appointment.
Sudheer Siddapureddy
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad
Dharwad, Karnataka, India - 580011.
0091 6361051754