
Talk on "Proxy model-based control of complex energy systems: A data driven approach"

Speaker: Dr. Ajay Ganesh, Postdoctoral Researcher, Delaware Energy Institute, University of Delaware (UD), USA.

Title: Proxy model-based control of complex energy systems: A data driven approach

Abstarct: An energy system incorporates production, conversion, delivery, and use of energy. Energy systems is a multi-disciplinary research area primarily spanning electrical and chemical engineering disciplines. Control and optimization of energy systems play a central role in production intensification and ensuring operational safety. Having a reliable mathematical model is pivotal in achieving this goal. More often than not, developing a physics-based system model is not feasible or computationally too expensive for complex energy systems. My research addresses this issue through data-analytics based proxy/surrogate modeling, which are computationally affordable modeling techniques used in control and optimization studies. Given that the research in data analytics across the globe is in full-swing, it is the right time to explore more on the experimental/simulation data-based strategy to model and control dynamical systems, especially the complex ones. The multi-disciplinary nature of the problem will be of interest to academia as well as industry.

Speaker Bio: Ajay Ganesh is a systems and control researcher having a multi-disciplinary academic background in electrical and chemical engineering. Having a Bachelor`s in Electronics & Communication Engineering, he received his Master’s in Control & Computing from Electrical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, in 2014. He pursued his Ph.D. in Process Control from Chemical and Materials Engineering Department, University of Alberta, and graduated in 2019. He has been working at the UD since January 2020. His academic training and research have helped him specialize in Data-driven Modeling & Control of Energy Systems, Process systems engineering, Machine learning techniques, Optimal control, Graph Theory, and Matrix computations. Exposure to systems and controls from both electrical and chemical engineering perspectives has enhanced his understanding and appreciation of the intricacies associated with the interdisciplinary nature of the area.

Event Date: 27th November, 2020

Event Time: 09:30 AM

Venue: Online seminar - link

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