Academics Programmes - EP

Engineering Physics (2022 Batch Onwards)

Unique and positive points of the program are:

  1. Designed for students who have interest in both Engineering and Physics. The program is interdisciplinary with participation from various disciplines.
  2. Strengthen the scientific basis of any engineering discipline with knowledge in foundations of Physics.
  3. Encourages development of experimental skills in students through various laboratory courses in Physics and Engineering.
  4. Provides students the flexibility to take more advanced coursework and research projects, and to pursue other interests.

Semester-wise course credit structure of the program is as follows:

Semester - I

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 CH 102 Fundamental concepts and applications of chemistry 3 0 0 6
2 MA 109 Calculus I (1st Half) 3 1 0 4
3 MA 121 Calculus II (2nd Half) 3 1 0 4
4 PH 101 Quantum Physics and Applications 2 1 0 6
5 BB 103 Introduction to Modern Biology 3 0 0 6
6 CS 103 Introduction to Programming - 1 (Using C) (1st Half) 3 0 2 4
7 EE 103 Introduction to Programming - 2 (Using Python) (2nd Half) 3 0 2 4
8 PH 113 Hands on Science Laboratory - I 0 0 3 3
9 HS 103 Introduction to Fine Arts 1 0 0 PP/NP
10 HS 106 Design Thinking and Creativity 1 0 0 PP/NP
11 NO 101/ NO 103 National Sports Organization (NSO)/National Service Scheme (NSS) 1 0 0 PP/NP
Total Credits

Semester - II

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 MA 102 Linear Algebra (1st Half) 3 1 0 4
2 MA 103 Differential Equations - I (2nd Half) 3 1 0 4
3 ME 111 Engineering Graphics Laboratory 1 0 3 5
4 EE 101 Introduction to Electrical Systems and Electronics 3 0 0 6
5 CS 106 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 0 0 6
6 CS 111 Data Structures and Algorithms Laboratory 0 0 3 3
7 ME 113 Hands on Engineering Laboratory 0 0 3 3
8 PH 102 Electricity and Magnetism 2 1 0 6
9 NO 102/ NO 104 National Sports Organization (NSO)/National Service Scheme (NSS) PP/NP
Total Credits

Semester - III

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 PH 201 Electrodynamics 2 1 0 6
2 EE 221 Introduction to Probability (1st Half) 3 0 0 3
3 EE 229 Electronic Devices (1st Half) 3 0 0 3
4 EE 202 Introduction to Analog Circuits (2nd Half) 3 0 0 3
5 EE 210 Signals and Systems 3 0 0 6
6 ME 201 Engineering Mechanics 2 1 0 6
7 ME 207 Thermodynamics 2 1 0 6
8 PH 211 Introductory Physics Laboratory 0 0 3 3
Total Credits

Semester - IV

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 PH 202 Classical Mechanics 2 1 0 6
2 PH 203 Quantum Mechanics - I 2 1 0 6
3 EE 224 Digital Systems 3 0 0 6
4 PH 211 General Physics Laboratory 0 0 3 3
5 EE 214 Digital Circuits Laboratory 0 0 3 3
6 EE 212 Devices and Circuits Laboratory 0 0 3 3
Total Credits

Semester - V

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 PH 304 Statistical Mechanics 2 1 0 6
2 PH 302 Quantum Mechanics - II 2 1 0 6
3 EE 321 Digital Signal Processing (1st Half) 3 0 0 3
4 EE 227 Data Analysis (2nd Half) 3 0 0 3
5 CS 301 Computer Architecture 3 0 0 6
6 ME 203 Fluid Mechanics 2 1 0 6
7 CS 311 Computer Architecture lab 0 0 3 3
8 EE 315 Digital Signal Processing Lab (2nd Half) 0 0 4 2
Total Credits

Semester - VI

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 CE 301 Environmental Studies 3 0 0 6
2 PH 306 Condensed Matter Physics 2 1 0 6
3 HSS Elective – 1 2 1 0 6
4 Institute Elective – 1 2 1 0 6
5 PH 311 Advanced Physics Lab 0 0 3 3
6 Seminar – 1 0 0 3 3
7 ME Mechanics and Measurement Laboratory 1 0 3 5
Total Credits

Semester - VII

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 HS 201 Economics 3 0 0 6
2 HSS Elective - II 3 0 0 6
3 Seminar – 2 0 0 4 4
4 Institute Elective – 2 2 1 0 6
5 Institute Elective – 3 2 1 0 6
6 Institute Elective – 4 / Project – 1 2 1 0 6
Total Credits

Semester - VIII

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 Institute Elective – 5 2 1 0 6
2 Institute Elective – 6 2 1 0 6
3 Institute Elective – 7/ Project – 2 2 1 0 6
Total Credits
Overall Credits Required (Minimum)

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