Academics Programmes - EE

Electrical Engineering (2022 Batch Onwards)

Unique and positive points of the program are:

  1. Introduced half semester courses that gave early exposure to all subareas of electrical engineering.
  2. Program designed to provide maximum flexibility in choosing more electives of their interest. In particular, they can take electives as early as the fifth semester.
  3. Curriculum is designed in such a way that it spans across multiple disciplines such as nano electronics, VLSI, signal processing, 5G and beyond communications, electric vehicles, several areas of computer science and many more without compromising on core principles.

Notable achievements from the students(present or pass-out) of the program are:

  1. Undergraduate students have secured admissions in various universities including Univ. of California at San Diego, Columbia university, Univ. of Southern California to name a few.
  2. Several undergraduate students have indulged in starting new companies of their own!
  3. Many undergraduate students take up R&D projects and conduct serious research and publish conference papers at prestigious venues (internations tier 1).

Semester-wise course credit structure of the program is as follows:


Semester - I

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 CH 102 Fundamental concepts and applications of chemistry 3 0 0 6
2 MA 109 Calculus I (1st Half) 3 1 0 4
3 MA 121 Calculus II (2nd Half) 3 1 0 4
4 PH 101 Quantum Physics and Applications 2 1 0 6
5 BB 103 Introduction to Modern Biology 3 0 0 6
6 CS 103 Introduction to Programming - 1 (Using C) (1st Half) 3 0 2 4
7 EE 103 Introduction to Programming - 2 (Using Python) (2nd Half) 3 0 2 4
8 PH 113Hands on Science Laboratory - I 0 0 3 3
9 HS 103 Introduction to Fine Arts 1 0 0 PP/NP
10 HS 106 Design Thinking and Creativity 1 0 0 PP/NP
11 NO 101/ NO 103 National Sports Organization (NSO)/National Service Scheme (NSS) 1 0 0 PP/NP
Total Credits

Semester - II

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 MA 102 Linear Algebra (1st Half) 3 1 0 4
2 MA 103 Differential Equations - I (2nd Half) 3 1 0 4
3 ME 111 Engineering Graphics Laboratory 1 0 3 5
4 EE 101 Introduction to Electrical Systems and Electronics 3 0 0 6
5 CS 106 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 0 0 6
6 CS 111 Data Structures and Algorithms Laboratory 0 0 3 3
7 ME 113 Hands on Engineering Laboratory 0 0 3 3
8 PH 102 Electricity and magnetism 2 1 0 6
9 NO 102/ NO 104 National Sports Organization (NSO)/National Service Scheme (NSS) PP/NP
Total Credits

Semester - III

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 EE 221 Introduction to Probability (1st Half) 3 0 0 3
2 EE 227 Data Analysis (2nd Half) 3 0 0 3
3 EE 229 Electronic Devices (1st Half) 3 0 0 3
4 EE 202 Introduction to Analog Circuits (2nd Half) 3 0 0 3
5 EE 205 Network Theory 3 0 0 6
6 EE 210 Signals & Systems 3 0 0 6
7 MA 201 Complex Analysis (1st Half) 3 1 0 4
8 MA 203 Differential Equations II (2nd Half) 3 1 0 4
9 HS 201 Economics 3 0 0 6
Total Credits

Semester - IV

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 EE 206 Introduction to Electrical Machines (1st Half) 3 0 0 3
2 EE 209 Introduction to Power Electronics (2nd Half) 3 0 0 3
3 EE 208 Engineering Electromagnetics (1st Half) 2 1 0 3
4 EE 223 Introduction to Power Systems (2nd Half) 2 0 2 3
5 EE 309 Introduction to Communication Systems (1st Half) 3 1 0 3
6 EE 216 Comunications Lab (2nd Half) 0 0 4 2
7 EE 224 Digital Systems 3 0 0 6
8 EE 214 Digital Circuits Lab 0 0 3 3
9 EE 226 Control Systems and Laboratory 2 0 2 6
10 EE 212 Devices and Circuits Lab 0 0 3 3
Total Credits

Semester - V

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 EE 325 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3 0 0 6
2 EE 321 Digital Signal Processing (1st Half) 3 0 0 3
3 EE 315 Digital Signal Processing Lab (2nd Half) 0 0 4 2
4 EE 319 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab 0 0 3 3
5 EE 311 Electrical Mechines and Power Electronics Lab 0 0 3 3
6 HSS Elective 3 0 0 6
7 Electives 12
Total Credits

Semester - VI

S. No Course Code Course Name L T P C
1 CE 301 Environmental Studies 3 0 0 6
2 EE 314 Electronics Design Lab 3 0 0 6
3 Elective Courses 24
Total Credits

Semester - VII & VIII

  1. Student has to earn 36 credits in the fourth year.
  2. Student may choose to earn zero or 6 or 12 credits though BTP/co-op project.
  3. The BTP/co-op may be split in two semesters (6 credits per semester).
  4. The remaining credits should be earned through Institute Elective.
  5. Student has to credit one 6 credits course from HSS Basket 1 and Basket 2, each.
Total Credits
Final year: Students have to earn 36 credits in the fourth year. If the students have taken overload in the previous semesters, then he/she should take an appropriate number of elective courses to complete a total of 254 credits.
Overall Credits Required (Minimum)

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