
Institute’s Library started its initial activities, at least a month before the actual starting of the Institute itself, in a small room, in the mentoring Institute.

At present, the Library occupies the prime space, on the first floor of the administrative complex of the temporary campus. Octagonal shape, abundant natural light, and cool breeze make the readers comfortable in the library. It is equipped with quality furniture and fittings which are added advantages. It is also climate controlled. Apart from the main area, it has two rooms on either side of the entrance. One room consists of research carrels for serious study. Another room houses the books, apart from some space for reading. In all about 100 readers can occupy the reading area.

The collection consists of nearly 4750+ books in various disciplines. These are arranged subject wise. It has also acquired a few ISO standards (International Standards Organization) in digital form. At present, the main motto is to build up the Library collection such that it has information resources up to Ph.D. level, including advanced texts and reference materials.

IIT Dharwad is a Life Member of prestigious “Current Science Association” of “Indian Academy of Sciences”, and receiving “Current Science” journal. It also receives some national newspapers and light reading magazines. Very soon, some popular S&T magazines will be at readers’ disposal, which will make young minds aware of recent happenings in the scientific world. Being a part of Inflibnet -eShodhSindhu, the serious readers can access nearly 7000+ reputed E-Journals (Cambridge, Oxford University, Springer, T&F etc.), Elsevier ScienceDirect 05 Subject Collection, Databases (MathSciNet, ACM Digital Library, IEEE Electronic Library, JSTOR, Project Muse etc.) and Society Publications (ACS, AIP, APS, ASME, OSA, ACM etc.) literature retrospectively. This collection is the bread-n-butter for the Institute’s research scholars and faculty members to quench their thirst for state-of-the-art knowledge.

The Library also houses, a dedicated photocopying facility. Plans for installing a good Library Management software is underway, as also the implementation of modern technologies such as RFID etc.

Electronic Resource(s)

Search Book (OPAC)

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