Please click here For Ph.D. Rules and Regulation of IIT Dharwad.
30th March 2023: The brochure and application forms for BSBE, Chemistry, Chemical Engg., CSE, Civil Engg., EE, HSS,Mathematics, MMAE and Physics departments are announced. The candidates are required to read the brochure, fill institute application form (Application form 1) and department specific forms.
Please contact for any query or technical issues regarding online applications ensuring that the relevant department name is clearly mentioned in the subject line for timely response.
For all International Applicants to Ph.D. programme: All international applicants, i.e. those with a passport other than Indian Passport, can apply using the study-in-india portal to select programmes in IIT Dharwad. Click Here
DIA Fellowship scheme: Government of India has announced a special fellowship scheme for applicants from ASEAN countries to PhD programmes in IITs - Doctoral Fellowships in India for ASEAN (DIA). (Note- It was also referred to as ASEAN fellowship in the past.) Website - and DIA YouTube promotional video -
For any queries kindly contact
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