
Since its establishment in 2016, IIT Dharwad has been offering B.Tech programmes in Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. In 2021, IIT Dharwad introduced the B.Tech. programme in Engineering Physics. Currently, IIT Dharwad is following a credit based curriculum with Semester Performance Index (SPI) and Cumulative Performance Index (CPI) systems.

Details of undergraduate students
Batch No. of Students Enrolled No. of students Graduated
2016 -2020 113 104(2020)+6 (2021)+1(2022)+1(2023)
2017 - 2021 114 109(2021)+4(2022)+1(2023)
2018 - 2022 117 115(2022)+2(2023)
2019 - 2023 126 125(2023)
2020 - 2024 160 -
2021 - 2025 160 -
2022 - 2026 251 -
2023 - 2027 249 -

What is unique about the B.Tech programme in IIT Dharwad?

  • Hands-On Engineering: quick exposure to the latest/advanced technology/tool without compromising on the basic/required understanding.
  • Diversified Curriculum through One-Credit Courses: The Institute blends engineering, science and social science courses with short courses from performing arts, visual media, language communication and fine arts. One-credit courses in dance and music are part of the B.Tech curriculum from August 2018. A basket of new courses in photography, painting and foreign languages such as French, Japanese, German is also coming soon.
  • Holistic Learning Approach: IIT Dharwad believes in exposing young minds to a wide array of experiences that shape and reinvent their outlook to the world. A young student would find multiple creative and critical avenues on campus to explore such as Clay Modelling, Film Making, Astronomy Nights among others, that intend to expand the boundaries of learning itself. Students are allowed to take all their electives from any department in the Institute (subject to prerequisites) including basic sciences, humanities, other engineering departments etc.
  • Co-Op program: In this program, a student is allowed to do a project under the supervision of a faculty member at IIT Dharwad and a mentor from an industry. The motivation for the program is driven by the belief that engagement with state of the art (in industry/academia) complements student learning inside the Institute portals. IIT Dharwad aims to facilitate stronger interaction with the industry/academia for interested students (and through them, faculty).

Undergraduate Labs

IIT Dharwad possess technologically equipped multiple classrooms with varied capacity. The laboratories own all essential resources and state-of-the-art equipment to provide a best training for the students.

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