
Talk on "Bitstream: A flexible SDN Protocol for Wide Area Networks"

Speaker: Dr. Aniruddha Kushwaha (Postdoc, IITB)

Title: Bitstream: A flexible SDN Protocol for Wide Area Networks

Abstarct: Programmability and scalability are architectural facets that have impacted the internet. The impact has been across the entire spectrum of network devices in the internet, specially more pronounced in wide area networks. Network programmability facilitates the definition of new services, both in the provider domain as well as in application-oriented clouds. The path towards achieving programmability lies in allowing sufficient flexibility in the control-plane as well as the data-plane. Software Defined Networks (SDNs) certainly address the former aspect of bringing programmability into control-planes. Data-plane programmability can be a game-changer for networks as services can now better leverage network resources leading to a better quality of experience. Current data-planes are built using merchant silicon, which in particular makes the system rigid due to match-action relations that are pre-set in the hardware and show limited programmability. To this end, we proposed Bitstream, which is an SDN based approach towards bringing in programmability in the data-plane along with the control plane by defining programmable parsing behavior of packets/services that can be mapped to data-planes. Bitstream also allows interacting with P4 through APIs, P4 has evolved as a tool to allow programmability in hardware. Parsing mechanism of the Bitstream makes it protocol agnostic, resulting in Bitstream to adapt any existing/new networking protocol.

Speaker Bio: Aniruddha Kushwaha is a Postdoctoral researcher in the Gigabit Networking Laboratory at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. He completed his Ph.D. in 2019 from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT-Bombay. He is the recipient of Google India Ph.D. Fellowship-2016. At IIT-Bombay, he contributed to the development of series of indigenous Carrier Ethernet switch routers for DRDO and ECIL, which are deployed in various networks such as MTNL, RailTel etc. He has published his work in journals such as IEEE JLT, JOCN and conferences such as IEEE ICC, GlobeCom, OFC etc. He also serves as an associate editor for Springer journal Wireless Networks. His research interests are in software defined networking, programmable network, networking protocols and datacenter architecture.

Event Date: 09th January, 2020(Thrusday)

Event Time: 11.30 AM to 12.30 PM

Venue: Room No. 119

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