
Talk on "Coordination of Networked Dynamical Systems: Formation Control, Passivation and Network Optimization"

Speaker: Dr. Anoop Jain

Title: Coordination of Networked Dynamical Systems: Formation Control, Passivation and Network Optimization

Abstract:Networked dynamical systems possess improved robustness properties over single agent systems, and hence, are desirable for various engineering applications ranging from searching and sensing, tracking and monitoring, surveillance and patrolling to cooperative space missions. To accomplish such cooperative tasks autonomously, the agents are required to coordinate with each other depending on their sensing capabilities, which is represented by a graph (usually referred to as communication network). The first part of my talk will focus on achieving a collective motion in multi-agent systems where the agents are either in a synchronized or a balanced formation. Such formations are characterized by the motion of the collective centroid of the group of agents and serve as motion primitives to achieve general tracking patterns. In the existing literature, the problems of achieving synchronization and balancing have been studied under the assumption that the agents are coupled through controller gains that are identical or homogeneous. In this talk, I plan to discuss a practical scenario where the gains may vary nominally due to minor implementation errors or drastically due to major faults or errors, thus leading to heterogeneity in controller gains. Robustness and fault tolerant properties of these formations against the failure of controllers will also be presented. Furthermore, stabilization of more general formation patterns, such that the trajectories of the agents do not transgress a given workspace, will also be discussed. The second part of my talk will focus on cooperative control of heterogeneous dynamical systems that possess shortage of passivity or non-passiveness in their operation. Due to passivity-shortage, the convergence of the network is not guaranteed in the closed loop operation, which is usually the case in practice. An input-output transformation based generalized passivation approach will be discussed to ensure their passivity properties in terms of maximal equilibrium passivity, which is a generalization to the classical passivity theory. We then show that the steady-state behavior of these systems are in fact solutions to a family of classic network optimization problems, and as a result we draw connections between notions of duality in static optimization to cooperative control. Finally, the presentation will be concluded by a brief discussion about some future directions of the work.

Speaker Bio:Dr. Anoop Jain is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. His research at Techion is funded by the Lady Davis Fellowship. He received his M.E. and Ph.D. at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, respectively in 2011 and 2017. His research interests include cooperative control of multi-agent systems, event-triggered control, cyber-physical systems and nonlinear control theory.

Event Date: 09th April, 2019(Tuesday)

Event Time: 04:30 PM

Venue: Room 21
IIT Dharwad, Karnataka

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