
Talk on "Selecting the right Opamp for Practical Applications"

Speaker: Eldho George.

Title: Selecting the right Opamp for Practical Applications

Abstract:Semiconductor manufacturers such as TI offer a large portfolio of operational amplifiers.Selection of the opamp will impact the cost, performance, and power dissipation of the end system. In this talk, we will look at the many practical considerations that exist in the selection of the right opamp for a given application. We will also separately discuss the selection of instrumentation amplifiers. .

Keywords:Analog, Opamps, Instrumenation amplifiers, Applications

Speaker Bio: Eldho George joined Texas Instruments India as an application engineer and is currently working as a Test Engineer with High speed Op-Amps Team. Mr. Eldho in an M-tech Graduate in Electronic Systems Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.

Event Date: 19th March, 2019(Tuesday)

Event Time: 3:00 PM

Venue: Room 23
IIT Dharwad, Karnataka

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