
Talk on "Geomatics Engineering Applications and Small Satellites for Sustainable Development"

Speaker: Dr. C. J. Jagadeesha, former Engineer/Scientist, ISRO

Title: Geomatics Engineering Applications and Small Satellites for Sustainable Development

Abstarct: Geomatics includes the tools and techniques used in land surveying, remote sensing, cartography, geographic information systems (GIS), global-navigation satellite systems (GPS, GLONASS,IRNSS,Bediu,Compass), photogrammetry, geophysics, geography , and related forms of earth mapping. Following the advanced developments in digital image/ signal data processing, the nature of the tasks required of the professional land surveyor has evolved and the term "surveying" no longer accurately covers the whole range of tasks that the profession deals with. As our societies become more complex, information with a spatial position associated with it becomes more critical to decision-making, both from a personal and a business perspective, and also from a community and a large-scale governmental viewpoint.This lecture for about 45 minutes introduces you to remote sensing (satellite, aerial, UAV) , image processing and GIS, GPS and its applications. An introduction to applications using world scenario will be followed with Indian applications in remote sensing and geomatics engineering in general.The small satellites are going to be complementary to large satellites in future. An academic program towards building small satellites and geoinformatics engineering applications goes a long way in building systems engineering / precise engineering specialists. The natural resources engineering like, water resources engineering, mining engineering, agricultural / horticultural engineering, biodiversity and climate engineering need precision engineers.Several practical applications using ISRO data products are going to be explained in brief in the talk.Precision approach: Right action at the right place at the right time is the only way forward for an agriculture pressed on every side. The aim of sustainable agriculture is to obtain efficient yield without environmental damage or pollution. Precision farming is based on the understanding of soil and plant variability and applying variable management accordingly. Hyperspectral remote sensing, NIR remote sensing, IRNSS navigation receivers , drones, IoT/ICT , sensor networks are going to help in improving agricultural productivity of agricultural precision agriculture areas.

Speaker Bio: C J Jagadeesha received the graduate degree in civil engineering from Karnataka Regional Engineering College ( KREC ) Surathkal in 1979 and post graduate in Civil Engineering with specialization in Hydromechanics and Water management from Osmania University,Hyderabad in 1989. The Doctoral Program of CJ Jagadeesha is in Civil Engineering from Karana Institute of Technology and Sciences Coimbatore in 2019. From 1979 to 1981 he worked as a teacher in KREC Surathkal and Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, Karnataka. From 1981-1983 he worked in Central Zone Irrigation Projects of Krishna Basin in Karnataka. He was involved in surveys, design and maintenance of irrigation structures and reservoir sedimentation surveys of Tungabhadra reservoir – an interstate river basin project. From 1983-1986 he worked in planning, design and execution of World Bank Aided minor irrigation projects in Cauvery basin, South Zone in Karnataka Irrigation Department.From 1986-1995 he worked for natural resources management using satellite remote sensing techniques in National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad. He studied the problems related to floods, irrigation management and reservoir water use using Indian Remote Sensing Satellites data. He developed new techniques for irrigation performance assessment and reservoir water use assessment for large multi-purpose projects. From 1995 to till date he has worked in digital analysis of satellite data for reservoir capacity evaluation, irrigated area crop type identification in command areas, ground water quality assessments, minor irrigation tank studies using Indian Remote Sensing Satellite data like IRS-1B, 1C etc.Recently, he has worked in SISDP Project (of ISRO-NRSC) to generate orthophotos from CARTOSAT1 data using stereo pairs and Lieca photogrammetry suite and ERDAS Imagine package. His current interests are in operationalising the techniques already developed and developing new techniques from new sensors data like RISAT-1(InSAR), Resourcesat,Cartosat 1-2 Stereopairs and GPS, GIS for natural resources management, human resources development and training in remote sensing applications area. He is working as a Scientist / Engineer, ISRO- NRSC- RRSC (S): Regional Remote Sensing Centre (South) in Bangalore since 1995 till date.Superannuated from ISRO in April 2017 He is specialized in the areas of water resources, remote sensing, image processing and geoinformatics.Jagadeesha has received National Design Award from NDRF for Environmental design , Institution of Engineers (India) ,Calcutta.C J Jagadeesha is completing his PhD dissertation work soon from Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences , Karunya University , Coimbatore.He is a life member of various professional bodies like ACCE (I) – Association for Consulting Civil Engineers , Indian Society of Remote Sensing (ISRS) , Indian Meteorological Society (IMS) , Centre for Spatial Database Management, and a member of Bangalore Science Forum, Karnataka Environmental Research Foundation, Indian Water Resources Society(IWRS) , Institute for Climate Change and Sustainability (ICCS),Environmental Association of Bangalore, Bangalore, FIE ,IEI_KSC. He has received Best Environmental Engineer award from NDRF- National Design and Research Forum of IEI- Institution of Engineers in 2010.He is pursuing his doctoral research in Karunya University, Coimbatore. He is Member ENDB IEI Calcutta.. He is a mentor in NIAS-IF - Miaya Prodigy for past two years. He has two books published from IEI-NDRF 1. Sensor Networks for Air Pollution” and “ Harnessing Small Satellites for Societal Applications” His current interests are in the field of Smart Water Supply schemes and Smart Irrigation Schemes and Small Satellites He has more than 55 publications both in national, international journals, Workshops, Conferences and invited talks. He has guided 30 ME/ MTech graduates from various universities in India.

Event Date: 21st November, 2019(Thrusday)

Event Time: 04:00 PM

Venue: Room No. 115

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