
Talk on "From Lab to Market - Crossing the divide"

Speaker: Dr. Jagannath Raju, CTO, Systemantics.

Title: From Lab to Market - Crossing the divide.

Abstract: The challenge of taking a technology hardware product from a lab prototype to a commercially viable value proposition is daunting within the Indian eco-system. It is even more so when the product, as in the robotics domain, is multi-disciplinary in nature and entails diverse skill sets across design, development, manufacturing, sales and service. Problem solving skills that need to be developed beyond the classroom to address real-world issues will be illustrated with a few case studies across multiple disciplines. At a higher level the fundamentals in our eco-system that impede the full intellectual potential of India to be leveraged to realize globally competitive products can be debated.

Speaker Bio: Dr. Jagannath Raju is the Chief Technology Officer of Systemantics, and is responsible for the company’s product development and technology strategy. He incubates product ideas based on market requirements and leads their development into full-fledged products. His consulting experience in the USA covers development of innovative robotic systems for space, underwater and hazardous applications for projects funded by NASA, Federal Sea Grant Program, Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation. He also served as a consultant in the Boston area to many companies involved in robotics and automation R&D, especially in semiconductor fabrication and handling, and was a visiting scientist at the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan under a fellowship from Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry. After relocating back to India in 1994 he worked as a consultant to the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Bangalore for the development of a controller for a robotic inspection platform before founding Systemantics in 1995. His expertise covers many areas of technology relevant to robotic systems, viz., mechanical design, actuator and sensors, computer control, signal and power electronics and embedded and application software. Jagannath is a B Tech from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and holds a master’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, and master’s & doctoral degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Event Date: 31th January, 2019(Thrusday)

Event Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Venue: Room No. 119
IIT Dharwad, Karnataka

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