
Talk on "Nondiffracting Beams"

Speaker: Dr. Ravi Kadlimatti from the Advanced Wireless Systems Research (ADWISR) Center in the State University of New York.

Title: Nondiffracting Beams

Abstarct: Diffraction is one of the universal phenomena of physics which affects all classical wave fields. It is also the fundamental basis for quantum-mechanical uncertainty relations as explained by Heisenberg. Diffraction results in transverse spreading of the electromagnetic fields as they propagate in freespace which in turn reduces the peak power along the direction of propagation. These diffraction effects can be easily observed in the propagation of a Gaussian beam in freespace as shown in Fig. 1. There exists a class of beams that propagate without transverse spreading after the plane where the beams are formed. These are solutions to the Helmholtz wave equation and are referred to as nondiffracting beams. Examples of such beams are the Bessel, the Airy, the Mathieu, the recently introduced nondiffracting beams based on second order differential equations (SOD) and higher even ordered differential equations (HEOD), the parabolic beams and the nonparaxial Mathieu and Weber beams. In addition to this nondiffracting nature, the Airy, the SOD and the HEOD based beams also self accelerate or bend in free space. These properties open the door for new practical applications of such beams in both free space (i.e. micrometer and mm-wave) and guided (i.e. optics) propagation modes. For example, efficient wireless power transfer over long distances of few hundreds of meters, enabling high data rate communications using orbital angular momentum beams in combination with the nondiffracting beams, non-line-of-sight communications in congested wireless environment due to curved nature of the nondiffracting beams, communication around impenetrable buildings and other structures and biomedical wireless sensing around sensitive human tissue to name a few. Based on previous contributions to the field of nondiffracting beams by our research team and other research groups, this seminar will provide an introduction to the properties and some potential applications of such beams.

Speaker Bio: Dr. Ravi Kadlimatti received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (SUNY), USA in Feb. 2017. He received the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA, in 2012 and the Bachelor of Engineering (BE) degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from B.M.S. College of Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Bangalore, INDIA, in 2010. He served as a Lecturer in the Dept. of Electrical Engineering at the University at Buffalo in 2013. He is currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Advanced Wireless Systems Research (ADWISR) Center in SUNY, Oswego. Dr. Kadlimatti has several journal and conference publications in the areas of mismatched filters, design of good codes and good code sets for multistatic/MIMO radar and multiuser communications applications and nondiffracting beams. He was nominated for the Best Student Paper Award in the 2016 IEEE Radar Conference.

Event Date: 01st October, 2019 (Tuesday)

Event Time: 02:30 PM to 03:30 PM

Venue: Room No. 115

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