Academics Course

Course Details

1 Title of the course
Environmental Engineering
2 Pre-requisite courses(s)
3 Course content Module 1: Water: -Surface sources, subsurface sources, physical, chemical and biological characteristics, Estimation of water demand, water consumption rate, fluctuations in rate of demand, design period, population forecasting methods.
water quality indices, water safety plans, Water Supply systems, Need for planned water supply schemes, Water demand industrial and agricultural water requirements, Components of water supply system; Transmission of water, Distribution system, Various valves used in W/S systems, service reservoirs and design.

Module 2: Water Treatment: aeration, sedimentation, coagulation flocculation, filtration, disinfection, 
Module 3: Wastewater treatment: Sewage- Domestic and Stormwater, Quantity of Sewage, Sewage flow variations. Conveyance of sewage- Sewers, shapes design parameters, operation and maintenance of sewers, Sewage pumping; Sewerage, Sewer appurtenances, Design of sewerage systems. Small bore systems, Storm Water- Quantification and design of Storm water; Sewage and Sullage, Pollution due to improper disposal of sewage, National River cleaning plans, Wastewater treatment, aerobic and anaerobic treatment systems, suspended and attached growth systems, recycling of sewage – quality requirements for various purposes.

Module 4: Introduction to Advanced oxidation processes; emerging treatment technologies; Industrial wastewater treatment

Module 5: Air-composition and properties of air, Quantification of air pollutants, Monitoring of air pollutants, Air pollution- Occupational hazards, Urban air pollution automobile pollution, Chemistry of combustion, Automobile engines, quality of fuel, operating conditions and interrelationship. Air quality standards, Control measures for Air pollution, construction and limitations

Module 6: Noise- Basic concept, measurement and various control methods.

Module 7: Solid waste management-Municipal solid waste, Composition and various chemical and physical parameters of MSW, MSW management: Collection, transport, treatment and disposal of MSW. Special MSW: waste from commercial establishments and other urban areas, solid waste from construction activities, biomedical wastes, Effects of solid waste on environment: effects on air, soil, water surface and ground health hazards. Disposal of solid waste-segregation, reduction at source, recovery and recycle. Disposal methods- Integrated solid waste management. Hazardous waste: Types and nature of hazardous waste as per the HW Schedules of regulating authorities.

Module 8: Building Plumbing-Introduction to various types of home plumbing systems for water supply and waste water disposal, high rise building plumbing, Pressure reducing valves, Break pressure tanks, Storage tanks, Building drainage for high rise buildings, various kinds of fixtures and fittings used.

Module 9: Government authorities and their roles in water supply, sewerage disposal. Solid waste management and monitoring/control of environmental pollution.
4 Texts/References
  1. Masters G. M. (1991). Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, 1st edition, Pearson.
  2. Vesilind P. A., Morgan S. M. (2008). Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Second Edition, Nelson Engineering.
  3. Peavy H. S., Rowe D.R, Tchobanoglous G. (1985) Environmental Engineering, Mc-Graw -Hill International Editions, New York.
  4. MetCalf and Eddy.  Wastewater Engineering, Treatment, Disposal and Reuse, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
  5. Manual on Water Supply and Treatment.  Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi.
  6. <
  7. Tchobanoglous G., Theissen H. & Vigil S. A. (1993). Integrated Solid Waste Management, Second Edition, McGraw Hill Publication.
  8. Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Systems, Part A, B and C. Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization, Ministry of Urban Development.

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