Academics Course

Course Details

1 Title of the course
Transportation Engineering
2 Pre-requisite courses(s)
3 Course content
  • Highway Network Planning: Different modes of transportation, role of highway transportation, classification, network patterns, planning surveys, preparation of plans, final report, master plan, evaluation by saturation system, 20 year road development plans, salient features, determination of road lengths, introduction to highway economics.
  • Highway Alignment And Geometric Design: Principles of highway alignment, requirements, controlling factors, engineering surveys, importance of geometric design, design controls and criteria, cross section elements, pavement surface characteristics, camber, carriageway, kerbs, road margins, formation, right of way, typical cross sections, sight distance, stopping sight distance, overtaking sight distance, sight distance at intersections, design of horizontal alignment, super elevation, transition curves, design of vertical alignment, gradients, vertical curves.
  • Traffic Engineering Principles: Traffic characteristics; components of traffic stream: flow- speed-Density, measurement and analysis, q-k-v relationships, design hourly volume, concept of EPCU, capacity and level of service, parking studies and road safety.
  • Pavement Materials and Mix Design: Types of pavement structures, functions of pavement component layers, materials used in pavements, basic soil properties relevant to pavement applications, properties of aggregate, blending of aggregates, tests on bitumen, grading of bitumen, bituminous mix design using Marshall method.
  • Design of Pavements: Stresses in flexible pavements: layered system concepts, stress solution for one, two and three layered systems, fundamental design concepts; variables considered in pavement design: axle types, standard and legal axle loads, ESWL, EWLF, vehicle Office of Dean (Academic Programme), IIT Dharwad Assigned Course-Code: New Course Approval Form version 1.4 Page 26 of 115 Last updated: 13/01/2022 damage factor, ADT, AADT, growth factor, lane distribution factor, directional distribution factor, tyre pressure, contact pressure, design life; design of flexible pavement using IRC method; stresses in rigid pavements: Westergaard’s theory and assumptions, stresses due to curling, stresses and deflections due to loading, frictional stresses, design of joints; design of rigid pavement using IRC method.
4 Texts/References
  1. Kadiyali L.R. (2017). Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning, Ninth Edition, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, India.
  2. Budhu M. (2016). Soil Mechanics and Foundations, India edition, Wiley.
  3. Khanna, S.K., Justo C.E.G. and Veeraragavan. (2017). Highway Engineering, Tenth Edition, Nem Chand and Bros., Roorkee, India.
  4. Huang, Y.H. (2008) Pavement Analysis and Design, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA.
  5. Khisty C. J. and Lall. B. K. (2002) Transportation Engineering – An Introduction, Third Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India.
  6. Kandhal, P.S. (2016). Bituminous Road Construction in India, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India.
  7. Papacostas C.S. and Prevedouros. P.D. (2002) Transportation Engineering and Planning, Third Edition. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India.
  8. Yoder, E.J. and Witczak. M.W. (2012) Principles of Pavement Design, Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.

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