Academics Course

Course Details

1 Title of the course
Advanced Transport phenomena
2 Pre-requisite courses(s)
3 Course content
  1. Introduction: Review of Transport Equations, Scaling and Ordering analysis, Asymptotic solutions. Exact solutions: Pul-satile flow in circular tube, Creeping flows and streamfunction solutions. Motion of deformable and slender bodies: Condi-tions at an deformable interface, Creeping flow past a drop, Marangoni E ects, Flows past Sphere and Oblate Solid bodies, Slender-Body Theory. Asymptotic Approximations for simple flows: Pulsatile flow limiting cases, Motion of fluid through curved tube, Bubble growth in Quiescent fluid. Thin films and Lubrication: Eccentric Couette cylinder, Lubrication theory, Slider block, Cylinder and Plane. Convective Heat and Mass transfer: Heat transfer from sphere (Pe << 1) in uniform and shear flow, Low Re expansion for Pe << 1, Pe >> 1 for low Re, Mass transfer from a Drop Laminar Boundary layer Theory: Review of Boundary Layer Equations and Solution, Boundary layer separation, Approximate method to estimate shear stresses, Spherical bubble, Limiting cases of Thermal boundary layers. Natural convection: Boussinesq Equations, Combined forced and free convection, The Raleigh-Benard Problem.
4 Texts/References
  1. L.G. Leal,Laminar Flow and Convective Transport Processes, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992.

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