Academics Course

Course Details

1 Title of the course
Digital Circuits Lab
2 Pre-requisite courses(s) Digital Systems Theory (EE 224)
3 Course content This purpose of this lab is to complement the Digital Systems Theory Course. The following is the tentative list of experiments for this lab:
Experiments with discrete ICs
  1. Introduction of digital ICs.
  2. Realizing Boolean expressions.
  3. Adder/Subtractor.
  4. Shift registers.
  5. Synchronous Counters.
  6. Asynchronous counters + 7-segment display.
  7. Finite State Machines (2 weeks) Experiments with CPLDs.

  1. Arithmetic and Logic Unit.
  2. LCD, Buzzer Interfacing pipelining.
4 Texts/References
  1. M. Moris Mano; Digital Design, 5th Edition, Pearson, 2009.
  2. J.F.Wakerly: Digital Design, Principles and Practices,4th Edition,Pearson Education, 2005 Ronald J. Tocci
  3. Digital System, Principles and Applications, 10th Edition, Pearson, 2009.

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