
Talk on "Applications of Synchrotron and LASER light sources"

Speaker: Dr. Prasad Naik, Director of Raja Ramannna Centre for Advanced Technology,Indore.

Title: Applications of Synchrotron and LASER light sources.

Speaker Bio: Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology is the only place in India having a Synchrotron facility. RRCAT built the Indus-1 and Indus-2 synchrotrons from scratch. Since 2010, they are being run round the clock in shift mode for users from all over India. RRCAT is also the largest LASER R&D centre in the country,developing from Infra-red to X-ray LASERs (Have you heard of USA military's STAR WARS plan - X-ray laser for Ballistic Missile?) We will describe some of it's Industrial applications, including repair of nuclear reactors. Dr. Prasad Anant Naik is the Director of RRCAT, a premier Centre of Atomic Energy, since August 2016. He is an internationally acclaimed Laser and Plasma scientist, who made outstanding contributions in the field of Laser Plasma interaction, high power Lasers, X-ray Laser etc.He is from Goa, not far from us, and finished his B.Sc. as well as M.Sc.with first rank after which joined the BARC training school where he was the topper of his batch and was awarded ``Homi Bhabha Prize and Gold Medal''.Moving to RRCAT at its infant stage, he was instrumental in setting up the ultra-intense Laser-Plasama interaction laboratory of International standard. He was a NSERC Canada International Fellow at the University of Alberta. Back in RRCAT he contributed to the development of high powered Table top Terrawatt Laser, X-ray Laser etc.. He was awarded the Distinguished Faculty Award of Homi Bhabha National Institute. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences.

Event Date: 06th February, 2019(Wednesday)

Event Time: 4:00 PM

Venue: Room 23
IIT Dharwad, Karnataka

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